Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Dharma Bums

“…clean morning sun Japhy’s said. ‘You know, the earth is a fresh planet, why worry about anything?’” (106)

Japhy and Ray are shopping in a thrift store for new clothes and since they are so cheep they feel they can buy as much as they wont and it wont go to waste. This quote reminds me of the discussion in class about how both Japhy and Ray flip flop between ideas. They both seem like nature loving people that treat the earth well, but here they seem careless of the earths supply because of the good deal

“I was all outfitted for the Apocalypse indeed, no joke about that; if an atom bomb should have hit San Francisco that night all I’d have to do is hike on out of there..” (107)

After getting all of his supplies Ray is so happy that he has everything he could ever need in his backpack. He feels free and he is ready to go wonder wherever life takes him. If anything was to happen to him, he was set as long as he has his backpack. He isn’t quite free though, because his life is in the backpack and he is stuck to it.

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