Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smmuggler- 106-130

“Perhaps the notion of being American is off center- there is no center, I guess that’s the thing.”

Here Herrera is writing a letter to Victor, his Chicano activist friend. He is talking about how America doesn’t really have a backbone. No set ground that everyone has in common. There is no center where everyone meets on a common basis. Everyone talks about America being so great and the land of the free, but there is no real sense of community with everyone so different and no center to meet on.

“Ain’t nothing better, than pulling over- after the pizca in Fresno, on the way to the next one in Delano.”

Here Herrera is driving in California and loves the aspect of pulling over and just letting go. That in California its so nice you can pull over on a drive and just watch and feel free. He is on the road so he has no obligations, he is just driving and has pulled over for a break to relax and just breathe the Californian air.

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