Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smmuggler-174-end

“You’ve got exactly seven hours and seven minutes to change the fate of the world”

Here Herrera is still mocking American culture and its game as he did with his own game show. How they image in the most impossible things because it is the most entertaining to us. They ask the weirdest questions and have the weirdest results. No one can really change the fate of the world but because like to believe that so they tell them they can, and soon after everyone will forget it happened.

“I confess, I buried the chiles from Food City, three blocks from Huerta Street- it was a father thing”

Here Herrera finally tells us the real meaning of the title of the book, why he smuggles chiles even though it isn’t illegal. It represents his heritage as a Chicano and that it is passed down to him. This is his way of showing how he must smuggle himself into the country as a Chicano and to hide it a bit in order to fit in.

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