Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smmuggler- 30-55

"A sad-eyed blond women drives a flashy red-orange Audi thru the chasm of a basement parking lot underneath.."

This represent the typical American person that that is unhappy with their wealth and situation. Everyone always seems unhappy with their lives even though they have the nice cars and accessories. She is driving a nice car, but has a car ticket and is clearly sad and stressed. This flashy car is not what can make her happy.

"As Chicano artists, we have always pulled out our images, landscapes and symbols from the gut to the page, from the bile to the open forum; historias terribles of our people, our time; historical suffering in vitro" (43)

He is distribing how Chincanos find their artist drive from there sufferings. Thier past isn't pretty but that is how they do art and it doesn't have to be pretty to mean something. They find their troubled pass what makes them and that is what they use to drive them.

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